Sunday, 21 June 2015

Thelma and Louise meet the Leyland Bros (with a couple of kids thrown in)

Well we made it to Cairns after 1712km and 27 hours - quite a bit of time dedicated to filling bellies and emptying bladders as well as trying to watch our fuel consumption ;)

The first day saw us hit the road super early in order to make it to Mackay by the end of the day.

We stopped at the Great Western Hotel in Rockhampton for lunch and enjoyed a good feed whilst watching some young cowboys buck steers out in the arena.

On we travelled to Mackay and stayed at the Big 4 van park.  Fish n chips from the Marina for dinner then it was off to bed ready for another early start.

Up again early for the second day of the trip which took us to Cairns.  Another REALLY long day in the car but lots of sights to see. Sugar cane, sugar cane and more sugar cane.....Don't get me wrong, I love sugar and am an avid supporter of our cane farmers but I am just not a fan of the never ending cane field!

I did a lot of reminiscing once we hit south of Cairns, visiting my old home town briefly for a leg stretch and then promptly getting everyone lost when I failed to navigate the new highway south of Cairns....anyhoo made it safe n sound (eventually).  We have briefly parted company with Thelma, Mal and son while they go visiting for the night, we have bunked down for the night in a lovely little cabin after a quick catch up with a dear friend (I can't wait to see a few more on our return trip in a couple of weeks).

Lights out for to Laura tomorrow for our first night of camping...

Cold and foggy as we head out of SEQ

Sundown as we are heading towards Mackay

Last light Day One

First light Day Two

The next generation of phototakers in my family

Flying past the Big Mango in Bowen Day Two

This bought back memories (Near Home Hill)

Lunch by the sea in Cardwell 

And this my friends is why it is called the Wet Tropics

My old "sugar" town - Gordonvale

Hasn't changed a bit Ye Olde Gordonvale

PS Sorry for the dodgy watermarks - I was fiddling with Apps on my phone whilst in the moving car (note: I was not driving!)

Friday, 19 June 2015

One more sleep

Just one last test run before we take off...
From tomorrow it will be the real deal.
I think I have this Blog thing worked out.
If you don't want to miss any updates there is a subscribe button somewhere on the page :)
Stay tuned for all the thrills (and hopefully no spills) of Thelma and Louise (and their husbands and kids) touring through Cape York Peninsula....

Thursday, 18 June 2015

South East Sunsets

Saw this sunset in my rear view mirror as I turned into our street on the way home from work today.
I would have loved to chase it but packing for the big trip took precedence.
Hopefully we will come across some awesome sunsets at the tip of Australia in the coming weeks.

New Blog Take II

I decided that I didn't like the travel blog and my original blog idea didn't come to fruition so here we are.... I will do a couple of trial runs prior to our departure... please be patient :)